In the span of three months I can’t believe how my life has done a complete 180 – new apartment, new job, new people. To go through so many changes in such a short time can be a lot to process. And while I know these changes are exciting and will be good for me in the long-term, its still overwhelming.

Sometimes change is thrust upon you, even if you aren’t ready for it. Its easy to be thrown off balance, but the sooner you step into the unknown, the sooner you will step into your potential.

To be honest, before all of these changes, I felt like I was living on autopilot. On the one hand, I felt safe and secure. But I wasn’t happy. At all.

I know these changes had to happen and I will eventually be grateful. But right now, I’m still in the transition stage, and to say it’s uncomfortable would be an understatement.

As you begin a new chapter, here are a few tips I’ve found helpful.

Whether it’s meditation, visualization, yoga, or going for a run – do something to connect to the present. Studies show when you start your morning in a peaceful state of mind, you are more likely to carry that feeling with you and stay centered throughout the day

Never lose sight of all the good in your life. When it comes to practicing gratitude, researchers have found a wide variety of mental and physical benefits. This goes hand-in-hand with practicing positive daily mantras and self-affirmations, which are effective tools for managing stress and maintaining a healthy, happy mindset.

I would also recommend reading a gratitude list as part of your morning ritual. Write down everything you’re grateful for and read it every day.

Don’t wait. Procrastinating will only make you feel worse. During a transition, staying motivated and keeping your energy levels high will be your biggest challenge.

As you set small, achievable goals for yourself and accomplish them, you will feel better about yourself. This will give you the momentum you need to keep going. Most importantly, focus on your progress, not the end goal.

It’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day stress, but you need to accept that it may get worse before it gets better. Be patient and don’t beat yourself up when you have a weak moment. Think about the long-term gratification and how great you will feel when you get through this.

In this wise words of Robin Sharma, “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”